Tuesday, June 20, 2006

If You Aren't Completely Appalled You Haven't Been Paying Attention

Who wrote that?


Our City Officials and staff would consider it a pleasure and honor to serve you as you visit or stay in our City.

Live Oak is proud to provide the many services necessary for a comfortable and safe way of life. These services include natural gas, sewer, water and garbage pick up. We are also proud of our full time, well-trained fire department and accredited police force.

excellent school system, hospital (don't ask) and many healthcare providers(again, don't ask. There ARE condoms in the goldfish bowl however.) are here to minister to the needs of those of all ages. Two recreational facilities provide year round programs and activities for both adults and youngsters (crack available but you'll need to rob a local convience store or hock som dat stuf you burgled).

Live Oak is a growing community of some 6,500 citizens (a couple of published month's worth).

Four large metropolitan areas are located within a short driving distance. (Jacksonville and Tallahassee at ~100 miles, Valdosta and Gaineville at ~60 miles, none which have the "charisma" of Indianapolis [which has none at all! Welll, Gainesville has UF lefty chicks. Bezerkely souf'! Think itching and pennicillin..] One can enjoy our small town setting, yet participate in the events and activities of larger cities.

The staff of City Hall will be pleased to assist you with information relative to residential and business areas, street locations and building/zoning regulations or any other matter of interest. ( all county "services" are available" for a price. yeah. right. Oh sweet jebus.. )

We would be honored to have you visit and relocate in Live Oak. You will find the citizens of our community are the most friendly, kind and caring people anywhere. Give us a look! ( then RUN! ..unless you've plenty of the mordita.)


Garth R. “Sonny” Nobles, Jr.


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As of the Census of 2000, there were ~3,500 illegal aliens in the county with the seat being Live Oak according to the US Census crew. Can't (won't) get into Tijuana Norte, they have their own gummit. More? Less? There is a Hell of a lot more now and the sorry bastards that canned the US citizens in favor of hiring wetbacks are still in very lucrative businesses. Hell yeah I know them. I bark about them, I have to learn how to breath dirt. That, and I've friends that are hanging on by teeth and toenails to support their families. Sux so bad. The Mexi's walk the streets in packs. You won't find a Mex male without a minimum of 2 additional (very rare), normally thrice and more often 20 or more. My gentlemanly interviews with 3 major illegal alien employers over the last 2 years records that less than one of 200 folk from South of the border have valid green cards.

Of course I've not presented the DCF stuff. I'm not "allowed". Unfortunately most black folk are 4th gen welfare junkies and now the latinas are doing a fine job of same. Baby bumps are "automatic citizens". Yeah. Right. The EBT card has ended the lines at the welfare office (and reduced the 23 black gals that ignored all of them. Amusing. Undoubtably "advanced" to more lucrative gubmint "positions") except for the latina gals with bumps. That'll come later.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

global cooling

(written 16 June, 2006)

It's the middle of June in Florida. Dead calm, full sun, lots of wet being boiled outa the woodlands today. That sucking sound was your pits when you raised yer arms! Aren't you glad you use Dial? Don't you wish everyone did? sheesh.

* * *
..nuff of that outside stuff, I'm too old to play in that soup! There's been a job I've put off for a few years. Something like 6 or 7. I've got this 22 cubic foot Sears Coldspot chest freezer, circa 1963 (complete with original manual!) that got it's last defrosting 7 or 8 (9?) years ago. Yes Virginia, there ARE glaciers in Florida. Seemed like a plan for a sweaty afternoon, should be able to find a few "treasures". Actually I'd unplugged the beast a few days ago hoping I could get the glacier to calve so the total chore wouldn't require me to find long term alternate storage for the eatable contents. All of this brought back high school memories of one of my part-time & weekend jobs at a appliance shop and having to replace the evaporators on these things. Although this one is porcelain over steel, most were just plain aluminum and when the gals went to defrost them, they'd bring out the ice picks and butcher knives. Yup, they'd pierce the evaporator coils and the only fix back then was to replace the entire liner. Insulated with fiberglass. Wet fiberglass. Guess who always got the job of crawing into those things and stripping all that muck out? Summertime in Mobile Alabama, no air conditioning in the shop, fiberglass in every pore of my sweaty body.

Should have brought in the wheelbarrow to haul the iceburgs from the utility room to the bathtub. By the time they were all hauled, the tub was 3/4ths filled and my hands were no longer functional. However, all that ice coupled with a floor fan made one fine A/C! Sorting through the contents of the freezer was much like going through the middens of an ancient civilization; could have used a research lab's help carbon-dating some of the contents though. The compost pile will be a while digesting the load it took on yesterday!

* * * * * *

Did the same with the 20 cubic foot fridge/freezer yesterday. 7 months rather than 7 years. Worse. Had to clean out the wetvac with Clorox after I finished. Entirely new forms of life had evolved under the drawers on the bottom and the freezer contents, wellll...

The poor washer got a workout. Lots of nasty towels. Had to put another jug of bleach on the shopping list. At least the deed is dood for a while.

* * * * * *

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Isn't she sweet?! The New Nobility. She's kinda like that wonderful Dollar Bill Jefferson what keeps bribe money in his freezer. The whole farging bunch in DC seems to think a meticulously acquired search warrant was "unconstitutional", then went on to pass a "no-knock" for us peons. Don't know about you but I have, even at my advanced age and degree of crippledness, rather awesome reflexes when presented with a threat. I sleep like a rock. Used to bother my second ex-wife so much she borrowed the BP measuring stuff and checked me out. 100/60 and 38. She was just handling my arm. One of the long ones. However, a sound she couldn't detect would have me out of the bed, armed and out the door before she could get past "wha?". Back then we had a small goat herd, a hatful of rabbits, a few dozen chickens, and local wildlife that thought they were being raised for THEIR dinner table!

'mo stuff, unfortunately I'm not sure about the statute of limitations. Best shut up!

* * * * * *

It's the end of a long and decent day. Amongst other "stuff" I had the drying rack out with another dozen books that hopefully can be rescued. I'm really hoping that the 1899 New England etiquette book and the autographed (Mark Twain) Joan of Arc will not wind up dust. Got a whole bunch more that I've enjoyed far more than any worth they would have had even prior to their present deplorable condition. Anyway, the one below was a hoot. It's still too delicate to re-read and since it's in pieces, I decided to scan in a couple of images.

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I AM saving the scans at 300 dpi just in case the old paper crumbles. The Twain is in even sorrier shape than the 1899 and there are so many more that need someone what knows what they are doin' to preserve.

I hate it when a good book goes bad.

* * * * * *

I forgot to mention that the Hitler book is copyright 1943. First issue in 1941. The last chapter before the conclusion is titled "Insanity Fair". His shrink had a lot to say in the 322 pages. Hopefully I can repair the book enough to be handled again.

21 years and one month

I sure miss you my best friend. You probably know I haven't seen your grandkids since 2 months after your death. Odd, isn't it? So many similarities..

By the way, today would have been the 30th anniversity of the mother of your grandkids and self. Shit happens. Especially in Alabama "Family" Court. Wimmin and lawyers and whitey hating nigger judges down souf..

- - - - - -

Too many wonderful memories. ..not gonna start.

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We were waiting out a t'storm before re-launching Ug Lee to continue shrimping on Weeks Bay. Good Lord did it come down in buckets!

Friday, June 16, 2006


I'll get around to That ^ in a moment or so..

Monday eve was really awful nice. Came back in with happy mud-covered, wrinkled toes and smelling more than likely just like the gleeful wet hound what thinks digging holes in the rain is a hell of a lot of fun! Turned on the tooob, all disaster, all the time. Had this chick weenie all decked out in storm gear a New England fisherman would wear if'n he was in a nor'easter with 30 foot waves. The wind was hell, all of maybe 10 mph with gusts up to 15 and it HAD rained a bit in the last half hour. Hang on to that nor'easter helmet gal, doan wanna get the "doo" damp... sheesh. The hysterical weathercritter was pronouncing all the mandatory evacs, huge rainfall amounts, and near hurricane force winds with humungous gusts and spin-off tornados 'sposed to wrack my QTH up by dawn. Funny that the NOAA site didn't mention any of that. yawn. Toob off. Listening to the beautiful rain on the tin cap of the atrium and smelling that good wet air was all the amusement needed whilst fixing myself the anti-social supper. Olive oil with lots of fresh garlic plus a diced banana pepper, a 'mater, various herbs from the rack, some more garlic, some diced-up mystery meat in the fridge that wasn't green, some more garlic, and a pot of boiled up angel hair. Mmmmmm! Ate it lying in the rack just like a sea otter with an abalone with the steady rain making my ears happy, the good air doing the same with the nose, and re-reading, best I can recall, a collection of Arthur Machen short stories for the second time in 33 years (I kinda hang on to books).

The light was flickering pretty often which is perfectly normal when anything other than a light fog happens. I'd already rigged for the TS stuff but thought maybe since most of my dishes were in the dishwasher that hadn't been run in four days, oughta get up and run a load. Who knows, a big wet limb might fall on the power line leading down into the swamp and I'd have to do them by hand. With creek water. In the creek. Being at the end of a loong line and not being what you call a "high priority user", I'm low on the FPL food chain. *sigh* Got my all-kinds-of-contented butt into the upright and operating position, went into the kitchen, then felt around for the pull-chain on the ceiling fan/light. GAAAAH!

The taloned, 6-fingered hand of the infant Antichrist previously hanging on the chain latched on to my inner elbow and scrabbled (leaving a grevious trail of bloody wounds) directly into my armpit. Scooped that demonic creature out and flung it. Light on, rotated 60 degrees clockwise, grabbed the Steve H. MK II roach cannon, rotated into target acquisition and NAILED the bastich! Hip-shot. 12 feet (the SH MK II was set on full choke).

Roaches have a valued place in the eco-system. They eat just about everything. The buzzards of the forest floor. I'm not too happy sharing my sleeping and eating space with them for some very obvious reasons (see above) however they are not the penultimate low-lifes. Mark Twain thought it was Frenchmen. I'm pretty sure it's divorce lawyers. Hey Steve H., you old legal thing, got a design for them? ;o)

* * * * * *

TS AlbertiepooGore was a sweetie. Slow, gentle rain, 6" of it with a bit 'o fun when the center went over the next afternoon. Nice hiking weather if one stayed out of the climax woods. Huge old trees get pruned by wind and with the spring growth plus being rather damp, limbs have a tendency of falling off. Climax woods get pruned by wet growth, not wetbacks, gringos get pruned by wetbacks. *sigh*

* * * * * *
Interesting Quicktime clip to watch with your morning cup of joe. Reminds me of some fever dreams I've had in the past.

Hey ya'll, watch this!

If you missed Lilek's Screedblog a couple of days ago, it's good stuff!

* * * * * *

Time to go play outside for the couple or 3 hours before Florida turns into the daily sauna.

Monday, June 12, 2006


Rain! I hope. Looks like AlbertoGore is gonna come aboard about 50 miles SW of here as a gonorheal number 1 'cane (lots of pissin' and moanin"! ;o) Got the yardstuff, shopstuff, and the buggystuff reasonably secured, hauled out a few bags of trash hoping it'll get blown away except tinycanes usually don't pack near the punch of some our summer t'storms. At least if AlbertoGore comes through with lots of water it'll wash out all the skeeter holes and give us a reprieve from the blasted biters for a while.

* * * * * *

Just got back in, going out again. Rain! Even the pooch is happy! Had to come in to remove all the walking freckles. BTW, after a serious rain, if you're cursed with fire ants, every damn frond, leaf, anything above water is covered with those children of motherless whores. Oh, all those woodland roaches move in as well. Keep the Steve H. roach cannon handy, you'll need it.

I'm going back outside and play in the rain, glorious rain!

Saturday, June 10, 2006


My goodness it got a bit uncomfortable this afternoon. Poor Rima was laying out on the front door landing and it appeared her tongue had adhered to the concrete. Brought a tub of water out and dampened the area and accidently spilled a quart or so on her noggin. Quite acceptable. MORE! Hose time for both of us. Summertime in Florida. Sucks royally.

Ozone. The local atmosphere has been heavily ozonated. No hydrocarbons or NOx in this location, just major-league insolation manufacturing O3. Tough if you've lung probs. Hopefully Alfredo or Alfonso or whatever will show up and give this part of Mother Earth a decent bath soon. Good old tropical storms are the BEST at removing skeeters as well and there's been a passle this Spring. Hoses out the breeding holes.

I want to go sit in this.

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'bout a hundered yards from where my sorry old butt is planted right now. Unfortunately, all the snow has melted.

Whilst poking thru the very few photos left after the discomfort in '98, this one is more than pretty good. I miss them.

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Wonder how they are doing these days. July 22 will be 21 years since I've last seen them. The gleeful kid turns 24 July 11.

I found out what the "all disco" was. Me rotating off the bed and making the teevee to go to Channel 5. UF PBS Gainesville, Florida. They are re-running it.

Get Down Tonight: The Disco Explosion New performances and archival footage feature the Bee Gees, Donna Summer, Leo Sayer, A Taste of Honey, Wild Cherry, Martha Wash; hosted by KC and the Sunshine Band.

teevee stations and FM radido stations simulcast. Last night was dead quiet. Most nights will be same. Wild Cherry was rugged way back, BeeGees, well, I DID kinda enjoy disco! Shoot me!

Truthfully, I enjoyed Flashdance and Dirty Dancing a whole bunch more. Long time before the dorsally damp fucked my body up for keeps.

Jennifer Grey is probably a granny of years now but if she wants to take a spin around the dance floor, I've got a few jars of the doc's pills in the freezer. The joints start working after 20 minutes, co-ordination begins to fail at 50 minutes, and for the next couple of daze, it seems there is a finger in my nose.

A couple of dances with that gal would be worth having my finger extracted from the snot locker! Wonderful movie. Yeah, I used to love to dance. And yes, she has the one thing I love most. Many, many times, smiles of happiness! OK, that was a movie. My guess is her smile was really happy.

That's what is so good about kids. We were all kids once and some of us remember the "OH!" when we'd find out something new that needed investigating!

I had a wonderful youngunhood.

96 degrees

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Summer has finally arrived. Observing the track of the first tropical depression (probably a dynamic link), it will cross directly over my abode Monday night. G-d knows the rain will be appreciated. The forest land of what I live in the middle of is crispy dry. I've not been able to saw up the last oak that fell on the roof and it'll need to be removed before something serious blows up from the West coast of Africa this season. Got parts done before ol' arther bit me a new one.

I posted the below image quite a while back. Kinda cool.

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For some reason an awful lot of people like to live on coastal regions. Something about our plasma being pretty close to the same salinity? ;o) Well, guess what critters, Mama Nature likes to wash her fringes off pretty often. I captured the below shot while my favorite radar map was downloading.

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Just look at the coastal plains. I'm native. So are my folks back many generations. It may take 20 or more years before Mama N. decides she needs to wash off some more gunk but you can betcha she's gonna wash her socks. If you live within 50 or so miles of the Gulf or Atlantic, bath time is coming.

Thursday, June 08, 2006


Must need it!

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That photo was taken through a screen a couple of days ago. ~10 feet from where I sit when exercizing the fingers. Summertime in Florida. She is waiting for me to come outside and play before it gets too hot. Gonna be 95 before this day ends.

Woke up at my usual 4:30 AM with the radidio set on a different station than usual. Disco. All disco, all the time. Ke-rist! Most of 30 years peeled back and before cognizance occurred, found myself headed toward the cedar chest. There are silk shirts and ivory pants in there... Now they are playing mashups of disco, Doors, rap, and Blondie. Amazingly good. Rima has a wrinkled brow. Old crippled-up greybeards are not supposed to dance! I think it might be the cane that is used to keep the carcass mostly vertical that is the off-putting part..

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Pages and pages of links and comments. For one reason or ten others, just can't seem to generate enough interest to post them. They'll probably wind up burned to a disk next time I do a bit of 'puter housecleaning. However, after reading Kim du Toit this morning, I got to recollecting about a tech from a company I did a bit of work for most of a quarter-century plus ago that came down (800 mile trip) just to show off and shoot his brand new "sporterized" M-16 carbine. Cool. It had been a number of years since I'd had the "opportunity" to use one of those squirrel guns and I set up the swamp range with flood lights so he could plink at paper targets into that night. After establishing he was much sorrier than my 95 pound wifey, he wanted to have a "hard target" to kill. Yes, he was properly trained on handling firearms, no hazard or re-training would have been mandatory. Enthusiasm is always a plus. Am I a hard case? You betcha. Not fond of accidents, been there and continue to suck air. I set up a collection of 40 pound cement blocks in front of the berm for him to plink at. Kinda fun watching him improve while burning his way through those boxes of 5.56. Little puffs of dust from the blocks. He was all kinds of happy. The effect was more or less kinda the same as my Ruger 10-22 with the CCI hot ammo available back then. After he'd gleefully gone through a few boxes, I went into the house and withdrew 2 rounds for the 98, picked up same and checked it for the usual reasons, went out and offered him same. And yes, I HAD removed the bayonet. And yes, the steel buttplate is very 1943. He declined first shot. The concrete block with 50 or so .223 pock marks vanished with one round of the rather old Mauser. The .223 went back into the trunk of his Saab. If something needs shootin', it needs shootin' properly.

If I were to be called into combat, my preference would be to have 10 rounds of major-league sleepy-pills rather than 1,000 rounds of spray and pray.

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..and this is why!

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I rest my case.

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Friday, June 02, 2006

good stuff!

Finally got around to go do some grocery shopping Wednesday. Last medium/end-of-season pass was April 21. Transition season. There's a method, not madness to my purchases of eatable organics. Comes from looong experience. Has a lot to do with living down in the swamp for many decades at the very end of a long power line. In the Fall, the freezer will get a fair poundage of gobbets of dead animal flesh. Good stuff. Shootin' /butchering season. Greenhouse veges come January and cool weather home-grown greens plus canned goods left over from last year. There's a circle coming up.

Come June, the freezer should be down to a one month supply of the bleeding pieces of murdered animals. Purchases reflect that with a large upswing in the acquisition of canned stuff. FYI, commercially canned goods are far superior to naught, most keep w/o starting to taste like mud or metal for about a year.

Fresh meat butchered in season, fresh veges harvested in season with the disparity tended by the various storage methods. Turns out that pretty much fits with the storm/reliable electricity season. If you have enough dinero to afford a well maintained MG set (maintainance #1, miserable things) and unsullied fuel for same, you won't end up donating that kilobuck freezer load to the local charity after the roads are clear enough for them to send a van to haul it off.

However there is a minor problem with this circle. What's left in the freezer this time of the year is usually the "really good deals" that the dawg(s) will probably get and the canned goods that homeless shelters would reject. I've always been curious about the annual canned goods pickup the USPS does this time of the year. Pantry cleaning time for those 2 cases of no-name canned green beans?!

Been eating good for the last couple of days. Steaks au poivre with twice baked red skinned taters and fresh asparagus Wednesday night, Steak and eggs with fresh homemade whole wheat bread for b'fast. A lamb chop pan fried in olive oil that had much garlic and fresh portobello mushrooms sauteed' in it with fresh carrots (good ones for a change. Didn't taste like turnips soaked in diesel oil) and peas. Belch! Don't quite know what's on the menu tonight but it'll probably be chicken a la king as I've a bag of brutally slaughtered and dismembered bird thighs defrosting and the leftovers will make a good base for a couple of pot pies.

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Q: What do you call 6,000 disarmed National Guardsmen with no power of arrest or detention at the Mexican border?

A: Greeters

Might as well issue them clipboards. "Hernandez, party of 753?" "Si! We will need 750 highchairs senor."

...from a skit by a Honduran-born Mexican who lives in East LA heard last Friday on the radio.

* * * * * *

Emilio T. Gonzalez is head of the US Citizenship and Immigration Services.

We have as Attorney General, Alberto R. Gonzales.

Seems we also have Vicente Fox for President.

* * * * * *
Maxed Out Mama's "Guest Workers" Are Destroying The US post is probably one of the most insightful essays I've read on immigration in quite a while.

John Derbyshire has a interesting take with Path to What?

And good ol' Uncle Al takes another chomp with What remains of physical reality after empirical reality is deleted?

Thomas Sowell speaketh. Good stuffeth.
The Senate's 'Tough' Immigration Bill

Does William K. Shearer really need to ask?
In The Battle Against Illegal Immigration, Whose Side is The Government Really On?

Sen. Jim DeMint isn't trying to be funny. Letterman rarely is.
Top 10 Reasons to Oppose Amnesty Bill

".. doing jobs Americans won't do.." Actually it should read "doing jobs the multi-gen welfare class won't do". Generations served so well by the gummit "outcome based" (huh?) school system and the "we feel so sorry for you cause you are sooo second-class" entitlement programs have been raised with a retarded work ethic. It's called living down to expectations and after so long, it's doubtful it could be turned around in less time than it took to generate. Maxed Out Mama's post linked above kinda gets it. Practically, what will happen will be the enfranchisement of tens of millions of new voters who will discover they can vote themselves unearned wonderfulness from the producers' larder.

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Viva la revolución El Jefe Jorge Bush.

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