Monday, December 26, 2005

clemency not granted!

I think I'll leave that last somewhat incoherent post stand! Was a fun night with a couple of more "GRRR's!" and a couple more "yipes!". Male critters are hard to housebreak but they are even more difficult to wean. I'm closer to 60 than 50 and, wellll...

That last post was a bunch of smiles, 3 beers, and 3 daze on antihistamines. Three daze is my limit on the snot pills, learned that lesson back before ya'll conceived the kid that now has a doctorate. A short-form explaination is me having to work in an area that wasn't particularly healthy. Now I'm one of the lucky ones that has (had) no problem with most of the common allergens but that place sucked big time. Lived on snot pills until it became obvious my normal good nature and tolerance went slap to shit by 5 days on the pills. Turns out that the common antihistamines virtually stop REM sleep. Three days is my particular limit. Fourth day I'll be likely to kick yer dawg. Fifth day, I'll eat it. Sixth day, time for a bar fight! Bar fights are a really bad idea.

Had a wonderful night's sleep for a change. Still got the snots, probably the usual cold I get from my friends' kids. So far so mostly good today except for my left eyeball hanging on the cheek and all my upper teeth mostly pushed out of their sockets. Same old stuff for you folk that are still raising kids and grandkids in skool! Virus vectors! Kid goes to school, gets sniffles within a couple of weeks. Kid gets over it in 3 days. Ma and pa get it. Two weeks of honking and raising the stock value of Kimberly Clark to all-time records. Repeat 3 more time before summer vacation. Buy stock in K-C before Labor Day!

Anyway, woke with a small whine and some grunting noises. Checked out where the feet were going, Rima was not underfoot and there were no nocturnal deposits. Grunt was Doofus stuck between a retired bedside stand and the UPS battery platform. Dislodged him and pronounced "food!" That's another word Rima knows. Since all I have around is the 21% large, I crunched up a few pounds and used understood word #1"outside". Separate dishes, terribly confusing for Rima. She'd go over and eat out of his, he'd just bumble over with his mouth full and eat out of hers. Then she'd go rescue her dish and he'd crunch and munch back to his. Repeated, most amusing!

* * * * * *

Yesterday morning started with me laying in the sack after listening to a night of sleet and a huge lightning strike at ~2:15 AM and not enjoying the side effects of snot pills. Turned on the Sunday morning LSM, with my basic numbness, didn't view those tools of possibly the most insane man in politics with other than detachment. I think Pat Santy has it pegged.

My favorite post today comes from Dr. Helen.

There are 3 piddles on the floor, the sink is full of dishes, and I have a good book to read!

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Photo taken by 14 year old brother, 25 December, 1974 in Marlow, Alabama. Wood heated greenhouse.

You are gonna have some fun with that young wolf dog. I have been around them some-from a distance- and they seem to me one man ( or one family ) type animals and protective as hell of their owner and owners property. Kind of like a German Sheppard with sharper teeth.
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