Thursday, October 06, 2005

food units

I got a kick out of Eat at Doug's, an "article" on manatee poaching in cracker Florida. It was a spoof easily identified by the preposterous premise that a cracker "dining club" would invite a liberal vegen columist down into the Big Scrub and let him return! Gotta feed the gators something!

For decades I've wondered why manatees are not farmed. There would never be even the slightest chance of them becoming extinct if they became part of folks' diets and I only know of one other meat animal that is as stupid. Here in Florida, there is a serious problem controlling aquatic weeds which sea cows munch a 100 pounds a day. Spending $70 million a year dumping herbicides into rivers, lakes, etc. strikes me as not only wrong but stupid (hey, it's done by the gummit, what do you expect?). Farm-raised manatee!

Now I've eaten just about anything I've gotten my hands on that has a face and a bunch of things that didn't. There's a few of them I won't repeat (they can go extinct) and some, like the sea cockroach, a.k.a. lobster, have gotten too expensive to be enjoyable. BTW, all that crap about an asteroid impact, volcanism, or a nearby supernova causing the extinction of the dinosaurs is bunk. They just didn't taste good. Birds do. Since whale and seal are pretty tasty, there's a excellent chance manatee is good eatin' as well. I'd try it. The envirowhiners should go for this in a big way what with cutting down all those really risky chemicals (made by those eeeevil corporations) being dumped in our sacred waters and the potential to vastly increase the population of water beef.

Manatee. Better than buffalo. ...which is a shitload better than ostrich or emu. It's a shame cat is so awful or I'd champion the same for the Florida panther. For you folk in the PNW, owl is only fit to eat if you run out of banana slugs so don't get caught up trying this with old spotty.

I read somewhere that the Spaniards trying corraling the manatees down in the 10,000 Island area and slaughtered them for meat to feed the slaves in Cuba and some other islands. Must not have worked out too well, I don't know why.
If you are referring to the Taino/Arawak culture the Spanish enslaved, well, they didn't need a lot of feeding after a fairly short time what with the Spanish habit of chopping up recalcitrant heathens (kinda like their modern day kin, the sand lice), smallpox, and malaria introduced with the African slaves. Of course the Spanish got yellow fever and when they commuted back and forth to Europe, brought back good ol' syph a.k.a, morbus gallicus. The Italians also called it the "Spanish disease", the French called it the la maladie anglaise - the English disease and "Italian" or "Neapolitan disease", the Russians called it the "Polish disease", and the Arabs called it the "Disease of the Christians" (from Wikipedia). I call it the revenge of the Arawak! And no, I've never had it. ;o)

Manatee has always been a staple of the indigent folk where it lives and when I was poking around with search engines looking at Spanish, slavery, and the West Indies, found this little snippit:

A Note on Tainos: Whither Progress?
By José Barreiro, from Northeast Indian Quarterly, pp. 66-77
Fall, 1990

[snip]Contrary to popular imagination, the Tainos were a disciplined people. Particularly during their spiritual and healing ceremonies, natural impulses were limited. In those important instances, strong abstinence over sexual activity and eating were demanded, even under penalty of death. The local cacique and his medicine man, the Taino behique, had the task of calling the ceremonial times. Among these were the famous "areitos" reported by Pane. These were round dances and recitation ceremonies, where thanksgivings were made for various natural and plant spirits, and the ancient stories were told. They included the most ancient of Creation time stories, of Deminan and his three skydweller brothers, the four Taino cosmological beings (four sacred directions) who walked on clouds and blue sky over the spirit world of the Caribbean. Orphaned by their virgin mother at birth, the sacred beings, called Caracaracolesin Taino, wandered the sky islands, here and there receiving creative powers from ornery old shamans who carried it from even farther back. This way, out of gourds (jicaras), they created the oceans and fish; out of a turtle, the islands; from spirit babies, toads; and from toads, the rains and waters; from clay and stars, men; from jobo trees, their prayer statues; and, from the river manatee, exquisite source of sustenance, women. 2 (Arrom 1989)[snip]

"exquisite source of sustenance, women"? Hmmmm..
interesting but the one I read was about a more recent venture maybe during the early 1700's and they were using the meat to feel African slaves.

from the river manatee, exquisite source of sustenance, women. 2 (Arrom 1989)[snip]
so they ate their women? And the catholics called me a pervert because I make no secrets about like fur pie.
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