Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Seems to be a bunch of that in the news lately. That Georgia Tech "bomb", yeah, a CO2 whopper. Jeeze, those were old when my grandad was young. I counted seven "law enforcement" agencies involved in that "horror" but didn't hear if the Kampus Kops were called in. The Pakis are all perturbed because Uncle Sugar didn't have a full replacements for all the mud & wattle and dead madrassas kids 2 minutes after that nuclear power/ ballistic missled/ islamobatshit country got a shakedown, the U f*n N wants control of the internet, the seemingly endless whining (and further malfeasance) from the Louisiana moonbat gummit, it just goes on and on... Damn good thing I no longer watch the LSM news. Three times in the last nine months I've been a bit tempted to acquire a colored teevee set to replace the old wreck 30 year old 12" b & w. It has a satisfactory audio section when internally coupled into my 1977 Radio Shack System 7! If it is turned on a couple of days before a program deemed worthy, it'll settle down and quit doing stuff that wore-out vacumn tube sets used to do when the tooobs would go north. Fired it up Sunday morning so I could watch CSI: Miami last night. That show is hardly worth the 33 watts anymore (12 watts on hurricane 12 volt car battery).
THIS is so admirable.
Ketchikan map
One runway, 13,000 people, 1/4 mile of water to cross. $223,000,000 divided by 1320 feet = $168,939/ft. $14,078 per INCH. Yeah. Can't come up with a simile for something this illogical other than using the stolen funds to rebuild the welfare shacks in NOLA.
"It is a duty certainly to give our sparings to those who want;
but to see also that they are faithfully distributed, and duly
apportioned to the respective wants of those receivers. And why
give through agents whom we know not, to persons whom we know not,
and in countries from which we get no account, where we can do it
at short hand, to objects under our eye, through agents we know,
and to supply wants we see?"
-- Thomas Jefferson (letter to Michael Megear, 29 May 1823)
THIS is so admirable.
Bridge to Nowhere
[snip]The $223 million two-bridge project would connect the town's airport to Revillagigedo Island, where most of the 13,000 residents of the Ketchikan Gateway Borough live.
The airport is separated from its users by a quarter-mile-wide channel of water, forcing travelers to catch either a ferry or a water taxi.
Some Ketchikan leaders want to rename the airport after Rep. Don Young, R-Alaska, for the all the federal money he's brought to the area, including the bridge. Young is chairman of the House Transportation Committee. [snip]
Ketchikan map
One runway, 13,000 people, 1/4 mile of water to cross. $223,000,000 divided by 1320 feet = $168,939/ft. $14,078 per INCH. Yeah. Can't come up with a simile for something this illogical other than using the stolen funds to rebuild the welfare shacks in NOLA.
"It is a duty certainly to give our sparings to those who want;
but to see also that they are faithfully distributed, and duly
apportioned to the respective wants of those receivers. And why
give through agents whom we know not, to persons whom we know not,
and in countries from which we get no account, where we can do it
at short hand, to objects under our eye, through agents we know,
and to supply wants we see?"
-- Thomas Jefferson (letter to Michael Megear, 29 May 1823)
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Yeah, and now the # one and # three most corrupt governments in the US of A are chompin' at the bit to see how much of the taxpayer's billions they can stick in their pocket. Charmin', just porkin charmin
For additional Ketchikan Maps, check out this link!
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