Sunday, September 04, 2005

whatcha mean ya found a rash?!!

1861 - The first gun of the Civil War was fired at Fort Sumter by order of Major General P. T. G. Beauregard of St. Bernard Parish.

Ironic, eh?!!

Have you read Robert Tracinski's article yet? That Canuck linked article was obviously the product of a true oblivion. Where he got multi-gen welfare associated with individualism eludes me entirely. The Wikipedia link to the Robert Taylor Homes was a bit thin on information and went lookin'.
This link to a Columbia University (very liberal) study is pretty telling. It's a 188 KB, 15 page PDF fyi before viewing.

The pravda (truth) has been slap in front of all of us all our lives. Why did the Soviet Union fail? Going from centuries of absolute rule by an absolute monarchy to Marxism must have seemed like nirvana. All for one, one for all. Just this giant love-fest commune with "big mamma" to keep everything in the collective and dole it out as needed. Guess what kiddies, people are not wired that way. Idealism mostly works well with married folk, hell, almost half actually succeed with the "death do part thee" biz. Give a kid a Christmas toy and see how long it lasts. Have the kid save up his dishwashing pennies and see how long that same toy lasts when he's spent his money to buy the same.

Rent an abode to an adult without a stiff damage deposit. Take a look at it when the renter moves out.

Give food stamps to a crack ho. Look at her grocery cart.

Build enormous housing projects for the hughly reproductively active, mostly illiterate (pay all meds plus give 'mo for each additional "blessing"), observe how long the gummit maintained housing takes to degenerate into what needs removal.

The "truth" is so simple. If one actually works for something, one is likely to be kinda keen to keep it. It took time, effort, some foresight, and (oh how selfish!) the desire to own it.

The USSR failed because mosly no one cared. "It doesn't belong to me, not even my effort belongs to me". Went into the (inevitable) corrupt gummit pot. Why bother? Let's see, in 2001, "government transfer payments" (interesting term) were $1,111,800,000,000. $1.1 trillion. Where did all that money come from? Where did it go? How much was overhead? How much lined politicians' & their cronies' pockets? Who benefited? How many little fiefdoms were estabilished?

Yeah, Algore spoke truly when he spoke back when he was Clinton's vp about making America a service economy. Don't need any more of those smelly farmers or factory workers. Hell, the dude invented the internet! (gag)

Has GW improved the things set in motion since? Hardly. I absolutely would NOT have voted for him if Gore in 2000 and that total cretin Kerry were not possibles. Jesus H. Christ, can you even marginally imagine the result if either of those imbeciles were prez? Unfortunately those trillions of "government transfer payments" allied with the average $60-85 per diem per gummit skool kid doesn't bode well. Depending on which "analysis you subscribe to, between 5-10% of Mexico's TOTAL population now resides in the US as illegal aliens. Damn fine voter block. Rivals the known black vote. With continued subsidized breeding and extended welfare benes, won't be long before 'ol Jesse, Jane, Teddy & crew can finish 3rd-worlding what the "Great Fucking Society" began.

Lord have mercy. I long for the days of the conservative known as the original JFK. Go read his prez platform. Go back and view his enacted policies. You've search engines if you're interested and I'm not linking; too many, not my job. Some sucked (my day was good, made one decision that sucked, made another around sundown that sucked even more. Those won't starch your panties).

Somehow I have a feeling all of this is going to come around and bite some serious ass. 'NUFF will be called eventually and maybe the bastards can be replaced peacefully. Probably not in my lifetime. Unless Baltimore gets a Cat 5. Now THAT would be truly entertaining...

...just another late night rant..

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