Monday, August 22, 2005


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This is a cropped image from the 2000 November 27 APOD. Don't click that link unless you can accept a 388 kb jpeg. Click here for the normal version.

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I'll betcha you can pick out the 38th Parallel pretty easy. BTW, both Nagasaki and Hiroshima are in the image. As farked-up as A-bombing is, Japan did jus' fine, probably a LOT better as an additional 2-3 million of them and 500-800 thousand of ours got to keep sucking air.

My future 17 year-old dad, the Alabama farm lad, was one of those squids training on Guam in August, 1945. He volunteered in January and his mother had to sign papers for him to enlist.

Seems a little "nukey" didn't mess up Japan near as much as poor North Korea not gettin' any. Hey, Kim ILL, want some nukey? Give it a shot sweetie!

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