Wednesday, July 20, 2005

I thirst

Alcohol was once considered the solace of the aging, a gentle crutch to carry them to the darkening horizon. If the Bible is to be believed, Noah drank (and plenty) into his eighties. When a Viking became too old to plunder villages for booze, he was issued a standard ration of mead to ease him toward Valhalla. And wasn’t it William Faulkner who said, “A man shouldn’t fool with booze until he’s fifty; then he’s a damn fool if he doesn’t.”?

No one has entered the "comments" for quite a while. Can't say I'm surprised. I don't much care for myself or what I've posted for a while either. Having Chinese mutant eyeball maggots shipped to Pakistan, delivered by a pretty Russian dawg, then admistered by commie/islamic ticks has made me just a tiny-bit cross. The few emailers, well, what can I say? (other than I don't love you a bunch either! ;o)

Did you catch the
Greenpiece video
on Drudge today? Sheesh. I was amused by the Dems reaction to the prez's nomination and the immediate lefty screeching reaction to his thoughts on the "endangered" arroyo toad. Here's the 62 page pdf of the critter's Federal Register fret list. Toads actually like people. Most people kinda like the little warty bastards.

I've got to replace Bronson. He was my roommate for most of seven years but passed on to the great pond in the sky back in Feburary. Without a doubt one of the finest co-habs ever. Well, except he dropped his roach-turds a bit random. Swamp life comes with bugs. With my slim-to-none tolerance of the various bug poisons, Bronson kept this place pretty clean. Way back in the beginning I fretted he'd go hungry. ..brought him bugs when they got scarce. He was a toad. No food, no problem. Sleepytime. His low-feed times were actually rather rare as when he'd normally be under a rock waiting out the winter, I was hauling in firewood. A very rich source of yummy, crawling protein! Rather amazing what over-winters under bark.

The other best source was the two times I bought bags of potatos from Wal*Mart. Chock-full of German cockroaches. Haysus H. The first time was so outragious I went outside and brought in a helper for Bronson. The second time was just as bad.

There has not been a third.

Also, it's not a good idea to buy catfish from said store. There is something else besides the funky taste. If God is nice to you, the urps and squats will end before a week passes. It's probably like everything else from said establishment since the old man died; from China or the sewer-flats outside of Mexico City. If it's manufactured, expect an absolute lifetime of 3 years (typically 90 days if it works at all) or digestive difficulties if foodstuff. It's a very good idea to read the labels on canned stuff. Hey, it's your gut..

No reason to comment on the Plame creature. That was cut-and-dried back when Clinton was still having his cock sucked. MSM is having fun with it probably due to the situation that bag of used food has been in for a long time. Buy Kos and DU, run that for the mindless ones to soak up, well, it worked well for Adolph, oughta work again (it is unfortunately). Do you send yer kids to gummit skool? Dey be lernin' da good shit. I wanna grow up big and strong, learn to wear my britches at below pube-height, do de fake African-chanting 'bout killin' evbebody, 'an fuk all dos hos! ..such a wonderful culture. $8.412 since Lyndon Banes Johnson set up the "Great Society" programs. Such a wonderful award the society has generated.

No reason to comment on the O'Connor replacement. Most anything would be more useful. I was suprised with it's (SDO'C) final case, could be she wanted out of the job without looking like the total lifetime asshole she'd been. Voted that way due to knowing the lib brain-sucked majority of SCOTUS had the usual Dem "fuck the peons" bagged. I jus' love those bastards. Can't wait till I can get a reservation in the cafe' where shit-for-brain Souter's house used to be. Did you notice his home is carried on the local tax roll as being worth $100,000? Gee, if the circulating photo is real, THAT abode would bring easily 5 times that in the sorriest swamp county on the worst road in Florida.

The new boy? No idea. G. Bush isn't near what one would hope for as prez. His little bro is a class act. I'm a shotgun libertarian which means I've not voted for a dimwit since the age of 21. GW has proven economically and national security dim, just far, far better than the treasonous opposition. The new supreme? I'd much prefer Karl, Ashcroft, or Ann. Boortz would be entertaining except he's probably not going to live long enough to churn the pot properly.

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'nuff of that. The A-rabs and that diseased excuse they use for a "religion" (insert good linky here) is never going to get better. The Koran even in the most moderate translation makes "Mein Kampf" a sweet read. If you've not read it, it really is an interesting document. I've read the Koran through completely four times, parts many times. That collection of "stuff" makes the not-so-good Old Testament look like "Crissy and Bo fix Bambi's Owie". The premise is simple. Worship Allah the way the pedophilic, murderous, illiterate pile of shit called mahhamed (lots of spellings but all the poor bastard males have to be named after the old goat-fuck) or get hacked into small parts. Wonderful, totally psycotic way to raise your sons. BTW, your daughters, if they do the suicide bomb routine, they get to be the FIRST virgin in the harem of 72 for a "hero".

It seems a shame otherwise wonderful children have to spend their young lives in madrassas. If you have broadband, there are quite a lot of teaching videos available. I've watched a few, made me understand why the kids murder themselves so readily. Linkies are available but only if requested. I have to preview the site again and the poison inside honestly makes my not-wonderful feelings go down the tube a bit. Any bastard(s) that do that to kids does not need oxygen. Not. One. Damn. One.

Muslim theology=total shit-for-brains

Madrassa=programming center for psychotics

Damn-shame the half-billion kids (girls not allowed) have been so poisoned. War-lord religion. Cult-of-death religion.

No, there's no decent cure. It's like the Black Plague and the Spanish flu. It will react to spot checking somewhat but it'll probably just have to run the course. Like all major epidemics, it'll die out when the host population has been diminished to the point it can't thrive.

Unlike usual diseases, this one may piss-off a country with old, hairy thermonukes. ...might shorten the plague. The other "repair job", well, it's not "politically correct". The "muslim" religion is protected but G-D help you if you bow your head and think grace over your Big Mac.

Pakistan. Nuky al-Queida country. Interesting especially since they've got a bunch of the buggers sitting in muslim bunkers. Mushirriff is a dickhead, won't live too much longer. How many did he pop when idiot India did it? Got lots. One (1) tiny Hiroshima-equiv in NYC or DC will be amusing. Chuck Yeager's time in Pak (re-read bio). Unlimited breeding. Why 'fo those that are the least able to tend have so many? It's god-awful in this country (ultimate welfare state) and unbelievable where second-world states have gone below third-world status. African males require 6 regular women to be normal (wives?), monkey sex other times. Live 8, Live Aids. Yeah. Put it in your pocket. "Cultural" differences. Kewl. I lived in Cali for many years and got a bit of amusement of observing "monkey sex". Free love, I think it was called. Way back then, all but the virals could be fixed.

I knew three folk (other than self) that were not diseased. AIDS had not gotten into SF back then.

Of course this is rambling. That's all I have these days. Gluey, diseased eyeballs, 12 foot weeds, triple-bagged trash that hasn't been hauled for a couple of months don't count. Oh, forgot about the bad attitude. I don't even like me a whole bunch.

Oh, what can I say! ...from Drudge:

U.S. investigators have been told that Aswad attended the Khalden camp in Afghanistan, favoured by foreign terror trainees. British shoe bomber Richard Reid is among those who attended the camp and it has been reported that London bomber Khan also went there.


Aswad? G-D, the sumbich must be another pissant fer muhhammed!

I've got a few new puppies around. Three are male. Asswad. Asswipe. Asshole. Good muslim names! I'll assign Asswad to the one I'll keep.

All the old mines I installed around this place are probably a bit unstable by now. 14 were removed but I was never exactly sure where Larry placed the other 28 and I just avoid those areas. They have fence cover anyway and the HE in them will be pretty useless by 2080. It's contact sensitive now (old dynamite, leaks ng), not on hiking paths. Fenced. Hopefully all.

If you believe the above, I have some 1898 ITT stock to go along with it.

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"Deep down in his private heart, no man respects himself much."
Mark Twain

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Hang in there Rev. You sayin' you got a spare pup or two? Do tell...

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