Monday, April 25, 2005

monday, fuzzy monday

Lovely drizzly evening. 34 degrees this morning, sunny and a really class 1 afternoon to do good greenhouse things! I had a couple of posts mostly finished a few daze ago, just needed a ribbon or two to tie them up. Had to break from them to go do stuff. My, how they age and become all wrinkly! The teensy-weensy political 'stuff', how banal (delete the 'b') can those waste of skin creatures with the lawyer degrees get? ***sigh!*** Have you read about Lynne Finney's 22-23 year-old allegations about Bolton? James Taranto's WSJ column today (the link isn't archival) is a good read. If you get this after the 25th, just go view the archives.

Saturday morning I woke up with the tube still on. No idea what was worth leaving ABC drizzling electrons on the 30 year old 12" b&w phosphors, probably due to earlier weather alerts (tornado warnings). There was a children's news program on. Interesting in a sick sort of way. Turned it off after one kid did a PSA, "read the New York Times everyday and you'll know everything!" Yeah. Right. Yee gods.. if the pitiful government skools were not bad enough.

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There's been much fun down here in the swamp last few days. Impromptu keyboard concert by a good musician, impossible to photograph little wolf wars, finally deciding to hang up a project that was killing me. Needs serious backing. Bagged & tagged. The intensity that I've put into it for so long has left me feeling a bit lost in space. Takes a while to finish a really-not-desired re-entry. Critters have to eat, bills have to be paid, as much as I'd like to continue that and a related project, there is really no possibility there will be so much as a kibble come out of it in my lifetime. Shoulda started it when I was 20, not 45. Way too late as a broke 55.

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At the end of this page is a link to a rather large video file. WMV & Quicktime, about 25 MB and worthy if you like this type of stuff. It downloads (did here) at dialup speed, no problem for me. I just go do other stuff! This would be magnificent expanded in an iMAX theater.

Hubble Space Telescope Celebrates 15th Anniversary

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This is fun. 1.6 MB file, 20 second stop-motion taken on 18 April.

Martian dust devil

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I'm truly fond of black humor. Rand Simberg had a link up this morning that lead to another link which wound up at the Big Dead Place. ALL the links on that page are worthy. Every word is true. Be awful careful though, I got caught by surprise and a fair amount of the morning coffee cleaned my sinuses! The link with the MMPI test, well, if you've been there, you'll probably be OK! ;o) Enjoy! I sure did!

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