Wednesday, March 23, 2005
mid-week musings
"The man who reads nothing at all is better educated than the man who reads nothing but newspapers."
-Thomas Jefferson
Methinks TJ would add the MSM to the list these days. Bet he would have had one hell of a blog!
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Poor Terri. It's interesting those that have been clamoring so loudly for her death tend to be liberal, non-Christian, and probably just want to smite the VRWC. Steve H. says it better than most anyone I've read and Rachel Lucas has been on a tear. She's lost her ladylike language!
One article I've read and recommend comes from a doctor who has analyzed over 10,000 CTs. Give the CodeBlueBlog a shot. Damned interesting and if the analysis is correct, this is murder one.
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How 'bout that Couey perv.. There's been some rather strong opinions posted and spoken on talk radio about his 'care and feeding'. Personally I think giving him room and board with al Zark would be too kind. He should be given to Mark Lunsford. Sometimes even the Iranians get it right even if they were a bit too gentle. From MSNBC:
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From Merriam-Webster:
One entry found for coulter.
Main Entry: coul·ter
Pronunciation: 'kOl-t&r
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English colter, from Old English culter & Old French coltre, both from Latin culter plowshare; akin to Greek skallein to hoe -- more at SHELL
: a cutting tool (as a knife or sharp disc) that is attached to the beam of a plow, makes a vertical cut in the surface, and permits clean separation and effective covering of the soil and materials being turned under
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Time to get back to playing catch-up. Had a 10 PM supper last Thursday, woke up at 3 AM Friday with violent stomach cramps, spent until yesterday morning going at both ends. Probably not a good idea to buy fish at that particular market anymore! Just had some time waiting for a big gluing job to set up (and the shop to air out), thought I'd sit for a bit. Got a suprise when going back down after lunch when I damn-near stepped on a 6 foot George by a parts bin. Been some mice in there recently, he'll feed well.
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-Thomas Jefferson
Methinks TJ would add the MSM to the list these days. Bet he would have had one hell of a blog!
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Poor Terri. It's interesting those that have been clamoring so loudly for her death tend to be liberal, non-Christian, and probably just want to smite the VRWC. Steve H. says it better than most anyone I've read and Rachel Lucas has been on a tear. She's lost her ladylike language!
One article I've read and recommend comes from a doctor who has analyzed over 10,000 CTs. Give the CodeBlueBlog a shot. Damned interesting and if the analysis is correct, this is murder one.
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How 'bout that Couey perv.. There's been some rather strong opinions posted and spoken on talk radio about his 'care and feeding'. Personally I think giving him room and board with al Zark would be too kind. He should be given to Mark Lunsford. Sometimes even the Iranians get it right even if they were a bit too gentle. From MSNBC:
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From Merriam-Webster:
One entry found for coulter.
Main Entry: coul·ter
Pronunciation: 'kOl-t&r
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English colter, from Old English culter & Old French coltre, both from Latin culter plowshare; akin to Greek skallein to hoe -- more at SHELL
: a cutting tool (as a knife or sharp disc) that is attached to the beam of a plow, makes a vertical cut in the surface, and permits clean separation and effective covering of the soil and materials being turned under
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Time to get back to playing catch-up. Had a 10 PM supper last Thursday, woke up at 3 AM Friday with violent stomach cramps, spent until yesterday morning going at both ends. Probably not a good idea to buy fish at that particular market anymore! Just had some time waiting for a big gluing job to set up (and the shop to air out), thought I'd sit for a bit. Got a suprise when going back down after lunch when I damn-near stepped on a 6 foot George by a parts bin. Been some mice in there recently, he'll feed well.
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