Sunday, January 09, 2005

totally unfair

...this getting old crap, that is. Got along just fine for the first 53 years of my life being all but totally immune to bug bites of all variety. Wasps hurt but most all others either died when munching or just left a tiny mark that faded within hours. Got my britches full of ticks Wednesday without knowing it and the histamine reaction was something to purge from the memory. It's also not supposed to be 80 degrees in January. Kerryboot season passed when it first hit the teens. Says it right here in the book...

The other "unfair". I wandered into town today even if it wasn't necessary. Went to one grocery store and two flea markets. Got to see my favorite book vendor that I've not seen since last Summer (her 41 year old daughter just had her first kid) and enjoyed a little old-style country music at the second. And, the "unfair" part, one family enjoying the music and free feed was a gal that is the spittin' image of Emmy Lou Harris when I first saw her in '73. I wanna be young again so I can get in trouble some more. pass thru the young and foolish. Use it well. Old and foolish doesn't play.

* * * * * *

I'd love to teach again. Terribly doubtful, years ago when it was firmly known I was permanently crippled, a friend suggested that I get back into teaching again. He'd done it years past, I had been doing it until being mangled by a batch of wetbacks and the few years of useless rehab. Unfortunately, the government rules had changed. With the "de-funding" provided by judge Cain Kennedy and a cohort of slackjawed, hideously expensive shysters in three states, that was not possible even if it would have been useful. The government "book" required a bag of "teaching" certificates by folk that I'd rather not talk about. Nearly all of my previous experience was post grad material, most on quantum limit sensors and always delightful. Minor stuff on vacumn physics. I'd gotten the chalk-talk down to high school and let me tell you, THAT was a treat! Damn! It's a kick having kids SEE the orbital jump and emission! That's kewl! That also happened prior to kewl being a word. Obviously this is just a knob, there is sooo much that's fun in physics. Ask me why your meat loaf pan glows blue in sunlight! ;o)

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'nuff for the moment. The previous post got bagged by me. I'll leave the marker up to remind me to be more careful. Poorly written, full of typos, no errors otherwise. The meat will probably be put back up with only a minor purge. Bastynastard happens and thank ___________________ and __________ for telling me I'm fulla shit. I was full of aggravation and homebrewed spirits. Translates directly into bullshit. Should be the last one until next Thanksgiving.

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