Saturday, January 22, 2005

shopping day

Didn't make it into town last Sunday as planned, every day has to go with the morning. Didn't really think Sunday would be possible but there was always hope. Miserable old mangled shoulder was down to less than 30% usefulness and lifting anything was out of the question. Legacy from 'undocumented workers' full of cocaine 19 years ago. Scoff-laws are just the most wonderful people. 'nuff.

Another awesomely foggy morning down here in the holler and it didn't lift until after 10. There's lots of interesting similes that come to mind, won't use them but when I went out just at daybreak, it swirled. Neat. The "Hound of the Baskervilles" feels about right! Dead calm, 57 degrees, totally quiet except for the trees dripping condensation. Saturday is supposed to be reserved for scraping out the weekly mung, not today. The arctic blast that some of you have been enjoying is due to do a bit of doo down here tomorrow and I'm a wuss. Don't like the cold too much anymore. Things cease to work, hurt, or fall off. I can scrape mung off tomorrow when the high is predicted with a wind chill of 25. Since there is now enough seasoned firewood all split and stacked inside the house for 3 days below 20, the mung is in danger. Not really. I'm not that motivated. Girl wimmin-type people motivate me to cleanliness and it has been a loooong time since such was down here in the swamp. I stay out of the studio apartment except to add goodies due to it being so tempting to actually use it, but then it would begin to look like my actual living quarters.

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...writing too fast, not decently coherent. Parked the other stuff. Today was unusual and, for me, quite nice. Old friends from years ago re-met, ever-so-busy commerce seen, lovely ladies looked at, and a most enjoyable encounter. Ageless. Wonderful. Worthy of a real writer. I've only known her for the last 28 years when she was probably only around 60 or so. She would be perfect for a video shoot. I love that gal! Give me grief? Always! Love me? Yup. Little white boys are just as good.

My link and comment collection gets edited by time and interest. The collection is rather vast. What do you do between 4:30 AM and dawn?

There's a few that will survive 'popular' interest and I'm probably going continue with not posting quickie stuff. Airhead pols will always be a target, airhead media, only if Dan admits to being the second gunman on the grassy knoll. ...or a bit of true stupid like the "Face the Nation" show last Sunday with Rudolph the Red-nosed Kennedy making a total ass out of himself. I saw that listed on the guide, had to watch him. Don't know how long it has been since I've seen someone make such a fool of himself. Sad, actually. 70-some-odd years of living on his daddy's money, the 'reputation' of his bros, and having access to dad's well-aged cellar. Massachusetts still wants a king and royalty. Too bad they selected Irish bandits, womanizers, scofflaws, and drunkards. Rich by scofflaw, noble by being rich. Lovely people.

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