Sunday, January 16, 2005

section 8

Somehow, things have not improved one bit since LBJ's "Great Society" put the black folk of the US on a permanent path to slavery. There can be no worse self-image than being totally dependent on handouts from massa. After many generations with the females breeding the next batch starting soon after menarche, the 5th gen is already being warmed up for the Families with Dependent Children welfare roles. It goes on and on and on..

As of 2001, government transfer payments (pdf) were 1.111,8 trillion dollars. $1,111,800,000,000. That's $3,900 from each man, woman, and child in the country. Considering just HHS and HUD, they suck up $618,800,000,000 per year ($2,100 each m, w, & c) and for it we get the most amazing paid-for underclass. Johnson bought himself a permanent block vote. Waaay more than we pay for defence and NASA, our showcase tech, receives 1.35% of that amount for ALL operations. That's another fuss. Don't worry, I'll get around to it. Been writing it for a number of years.

This is amusing.

Md. Judge Rules to Desegregate Housing

"Shanna Smith, president of the National Fair Housing Alliance, said suburban whites often are afraid city transplants will bring increased crime, devalue property and force schools to divert resources to children who speak foreign languages.

"People take an initially negative view because, quite frankly, they think blacks are leaving Baltimore city and coming to their community," she said. "All of these stereotypes contribute to a hostile attitude in a community, and these hostile attitudes are passed to public officials, who often try to stop the plan." (snip)

"Previous efforts to move people from city housing projects to less segregated areas have met strong resistance.

Kurt Schmoke was mayor of Baltimore the last time such a plan was proposed, 10 years ago. The program, called Moving to Opportunity, would have allowed more than 1,300 black families from Baltimore's public housing projects to move to predominantly white suburbs using government subsidies.

"What happened was that some people who were not familiar with the plan thought all that we were trying to do was take the concentration of poverty in the city and reconcentrate it in certain jurisdictions," said Schmoke, now dean of Howard University's law school. "That was the furthest thing from the truth, but, unfortunately, fears and certain prejudices were aroused."

Baltimore County residents rallied at a public meeting, shouting the program down." (snip)

From the US Department of Justice:

Homicide trends in the U.S. - Trends by race

The DOJ site is probably one of the easiest and most useful government sites to navigate.

Amazingly, this is from the Boston Herald.

Blacks ponder MLK legacy

``Forty years after the march to Selma, we're living in a post-civil rights epoch,'' said the Rev. Eugene Rivers, known for his own unorthodox activism. This month, he spoke to Bush about faith-based initiatives and invited Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.) to Boston Wednesday to discuss the same issue.
``The challenge to blacks and whites is to develop a post-civil rights framework,'' he said. ``The problems that confront the black community are primarily, but not exclusively, internal.''
He cited black-on-black crime, teen pregnancy, the violent aspects of hip-hop culture, and academic underachievement.
``The most important spokesmen to reflect where we are now are possibly Bill Cosby and Chris Rock,'' Rivers said, citing the comedians' biting criticism of black failures. Meanwhile, he said the traditional ``paleo-liberal'' leadership of groups such as the NAACP and the Democratic Party, ``is completely marginalized.'' (snip)

I suppose this bit of liberal dreck from LA deals with "marginalization". Makes me want to move right next door to the "unfortunate".

L.A.'s Budding Mogadishus

I see the LA Times has pulled the above page. I've saved the text and will email it on request. It's a worthy read and does a lot to explain Great Society success and liberal plans for the future.

Last on the list for the day is this little essay from Fred Reed. I've more than likely read all of his columns over the years, some are humorous, some touching, many just plain good, but occasionally he'll piss me off! This one is especially good.

Portrait Of A Literate American

* * * * * *

A woman is talking to her doctor and asks if she can get pregnant from anal sex.
"Sure" the doctor said. "Where do you think lawyers come from?"

This will be an interesting read.,1,5792425.column?ctrack=2&cset=true

Now we have drug dealers sending their message out that more snitchers will die. Produced their own threatening DVD! Ten bucks and it's yours! It's only been a two years since that whole family, two parents and three children were burned to death in their home because they tried to fight the drugs on their street.

People in the burbs frown on section 8 not because of so called prejudicial fears but because of what they see with their own eyes that happens with section 8 housing. I see a section 8 house almost everyday in my travels. Nice neighborhood that had an older duplex. Kinda out of place. The new section 8 owners installed a 8 to 10 foot high fence to enclose the little porch to house their pooch. Of course it's a pit bull. The entire front porch is a cage. Then their was the section 8 house that was about a mile from my house for over 3 years that had more furniture on the porch and the front lawn than in the house I think. People in and out of that house all hours of the night.
If what I see with my own eyes makes me a bigot then I guess I'm a bigot. But what my feelings were when I saw these properties weren't of bigotry. 1. I worried about the pitbull being two houses away from a daycare center. 2. I worried that the house that was up all night was dealing drugs and bringing in crime.
I guess the 18 murders already counted for this year in Bodymore makes me a bigot too because they are black on black crimes? Baltimore is a mess. Stay as far away from that city as you can.
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