Saturday, January 15, 2005

Done gone and gotten all nippish on me again. After most of a couple of weeks of mid-70's and a couple of days in the 80's I'd forgotten it's only January.

Finished all the Saturday cleaning I'm gonna do, all set for a foray into the mighty city tomorrow with some visitin' goodness thrown in. Decided to blog a while about a bunch of stuff that has crossed my alledged mind this week and discovered the brain functions poorly whilst running Devo and ACDC tunes maxed out. Next up, ZZ Top.

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Much better now . I needed that. Chillin' with Mike Oldfield's "Tubular Bells" album. Good stuff. Somewhere in this vast pile of stuff, I should have a Mike Curb Congregation album for more ear candy. If it can't be found, it'll be a Jimmy Buffett evening.

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There's still hope for me yet..

And, apparently there were more Clint Eastwood comments to Michael Moore. Pretty clever, actually!

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Ever check to see what you can expect from Social Security? The Heritage Foundation has a calculator you might want to try. Interesting, especially if you're an old fart like me.

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Time to go start supper. Calves liver and onions sauteed in olive oil with a slice or 2 of homemade cider bread. Besides, gotta reboot the 'puter in order to get the 1988 scanner to run. It and XP have serious issues!

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Q: Why are lawyer's eyes always red after sex?
A: The mace.

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