Sunday, November 14, 2004
i want drugs
The 60 Minutes segment was interesting. Of course it doesn't matter to the trial lawyers anymore than the 30-something years worth of the warning labels on each pack of cigs. There's billions to be made and we can't have the poor torties being reduced to domestic wine and (God forbid!) that awful pate' their majordomo might have to buy at Krogers. The air in the Mercedes tires just might have to escape to avoid the shame and indignation..
Guilty? Probably. As charged by 60 Minutes? Interesting. Have you suffered from what has been nearly intractable joint pain? I sure as hell have, and for many years. If the pill jar would have said "every 10th pill will take a year off your life", I would have taken it if it worked. At times, if the jar would have said it'd kill me, that would have been considered.
Think about chemotherapy. Not a nice thing to go through and look at the stats. Radiation & chemo. Much not-fun. Stats are still pretty grim but there's always the alternative. In my very limited social world, all that have had the "benefits" of one or all three including the knife, have died miserably. Oughta sue those critters that did it. Yeah, that'll do it.
Guilty? Probably. As charged by 60 Minutes? Interesting. Have you suffered from what has been nearly intractable joint pain? I sure as hell have, and for many years. If the pill jar would have said "every 10th pill will take a year off your life", I would have taken it if it worked. At times, if the jar would have said it'd kill me, that would have been considered.
Think about chemotherapy. Not a nice thing to go through and look at the stats. Radiation & chemo. Much not-fun. Stats are still pretty grim but there's always the alternative. In my very limited social world, all that have had the "benefits" of one or all three including the knife, have died miserably. Oughta sue those critters that did it. Yeah, that'll do it.