Tuesday, October 12, 2004

the old grouch

Repairs are going way too slow, I think I'm changing the 'human habitable' condition until Thanksgiving, 2005 (providing there are no more 'canes). It seems the bugs might have put more than tick spit in me last time as well, can't seem to get my energy back but that may be possibly related to being kinda overwhelmed.

That, and totally burned-out on political crap. Normally it's enjoyable listening to the radio when getting through a day, not at all anymore. There are a couple of critters running for congress that must think people have a memory shorter than last week. If ANYBODY votes for those two meadow muffins, they should have their citizenship revoked, providing they have such. This being Florida, it's a pretty good bet THAT voter bloc was just recently imported.

After a typical day when I feel like I've been a bee at a silk flower show, tired, grumpy, just want to make a scratch supper and enjoy a teevee show and book, back-to-back-to-back batshit pol ads, some so insulting to even my feeble intelligence that I wanna throw my bean sandwich at the screen, I Thank Algore for internet radio. What would I do if the most brilliant, sane, beyond any other genius hadn't invented it just for me? (yeah, my pants legs are rolled up)

Thinking of Algore (less is better), there's an interesting article on NO2 global emissions over at the ESA site. Click on the hi res jpeg, 1.6 mb and admire the plumes. As much as folk are glooming and dooming over 2 buck gas, it's still a heck of a lot cheaper than when Prez Peanut ran the store. Taking the 4X (low figure for inflation), I recall paying over $1.50, sometimes higher, therefore $6/gal back then in California. Not happy-making as I was driving a 440 magnum Charger back then!

The point made is the level of juice use (coal as well) has gone up dramatically in other countries, specifically India and China. With a combined population of close to 10 times that of the US and rapidly growing energy intensive economies, fuel competition is really going to become stretched. NASA has an excellent photo archive of envirosat material and I'll look it back up and link it if asked. It's over on my IE favorites and I don't wanna go there right now (I'm crabby).

Got a kick out of this little bit of loveliness about the Spanish flu. Wonder if it'll get loose? Also, the bacterial contamination of half the US supply of flu vaccine this year is curious. Didn't know it came from Britain but I've never had a flu shot. Could Britain have had a little problem with sabotage? Last year CDC reported somewhere around 36,000 deaths by flu, down from over 64,000 in 98-99, wonder if it'll get jacked-up this year?

There's two more items on the platter but both will get me going about as bad as the deleted bit earlier starting in on child abuse and can be dealt with when I get shed of the crabs. Got a couple of nice pictures as well but they'd be wasted. This one fits for the moment.

Well. Cheery stuff.

Sorry about the frustration with getting things put back in order. Also, sorry you aren't feeling up to par physically and emotionally. Perfectly understandable! I'd be more than happy to lend a hand if I were closer. It's always easier to wash someone else's dishes, so to speak. Random sidenote: the parasites are virulent this year although I've had little trouble with ticks.

Politics? Pfft. I'm not going there right now, I'm disillusioned as well. Suffice to say, we see things quite differently, which is neither here nor there of course...just an observation. Perhaps we will sit and talk about it by the light of a campfire someday? That would be nice, eh? Speaking of curling up with a good book, whatcha readin'?

Although not cheery, I thank you most sincerely for your linkage.

Global emissions?...what to hear something funny? I wondered if cow farts are reflected? Speaking of, have you heard about the new Methane vaccines? Hmm...

I'll speak up and request the "photo archive of envirosat material" that you mentioned.

I guess my thoughts lean more to clean energy than to bitching about the price of gas. It's cheap, relatively, and therein lies the cost. Can't get somethin' for nothin'. Right? ;-)

Yes, Lovely. Lovely-lovely re the Spanish flu. Certainly something to think about. Reminds me of The Stand. In my mind a toss dice, here those ol bones click, wonder what face horror may wear?

Speaking of, nice picture too.

You have a good day Rev, ya hear?

Hugs, Rae
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