Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Can't Get Used To Losing You

I'm earwormed. Last one was "Summertime".

Been a little remiss on posting for a while. The old, broken parts aren't worth considering, the election kinda sucked, and I usually get crabby in November anyway. Mostly due to kinda being out of family. Damn miserable folk went on and died on me. I'd take them out back and shoot them except my back is kinda iffy to do that much digging.

It says right here in the book that one can't pick one's neighbors. That's kinda true. Nina and I made the North property potential buyers quite uncomfortable if we didn't like the cut of their jib. I thought she was unneccessarily cruel with the Jacksonville junkie. She wasn't fond of homos, thought squat of junkies, and that rich kid got flattened by a Sicliana from the Bronx sooo bad I felt sad for him! I would have been much gentler. .22 temple shot.

That bit of dirt was bought by the best of all neighbors. I wish she was still around. Kate and her could ride herd on Jim and self (we'd survive quite happily!). I wish I could find out what happened with Nina. It's been 14 months+ since I've had contact with her. We wrote ~2 letters a month and limited ourselves to one phone call (violated ALL the time) a month. Mail started to bounce, the "we're sorry" came back when calling. November 14th would have been anniversary 20. No, we did not become "former" for any reason on the books. We flipped a coin to see who had to go lie to the judge. She held the coin. On the hellophone. Guess who lost! That's OK, I wore my Jesus boots with 2 flavors of socks. By the way, her nominating me was cruel and unusual punishment. I have absolutely NO capacity for lying. Caught out every damn time. She knew my sister, mother, grandmother, and all those gals filled in ALL the blanks. I'm a total failure as a lier. Tall tales with the boys? Anytime! Fib to the gals? Go dig a hole. Gonna need it. The judge knew I was lying, thankfully he knew me pretty well. Lots of years around. He also knew the true "why". Book law and practical law plus common sense. Saved Nina a pack of change and a paperwork nightmare. Looong story, still interesting to me, wouldn't be for you.

A few weeks later when the court had got done with the deed, we went to the Vault (county record dept.) to sign everything over to each other (pretty cheap, a buck per doc), then when done, we walked out of the courthouse hand in hand, just lovin' the hell out of each other. The boys in the 4th floor lockup (gaol was upstairs) started waving and cheering us! Damn, that was fine!

Of course we had to go shopping. Some guys complain about shopping with spouse. From Day One, I loved going with her. Total Sicilina! Handcuff her and she would be mute! Southern kraut engineer me and exuberent Yankee her, odd? Naw! I joined in! She could get sooo animated in the produce section that I'd join in the waving and suddenly there would be 20 more folk all smiles and just enjoying! Hell yea it's nice to feel good!

I still have a problem understanding why she stayed with me. Many months before she married me I was attacked by a perfectly normal "youth group" in Albuturkey (sp deliberate). Broke both wrists, fractured my skull, broke my neck in 2 places, permanently ruined my left shoulder, and bruised me up a bit. Fucking godamned wetback coke-powered trash is the norm in that federally supported city. That was 20 years ago. Is it better now? It's #1 DUI state. Have you ever seen a Mex drive sober? Albuquerque was the only city I'd ever seen where even the hovels had burglar bars. The evening news reported death by burning due to the entrapment of folk daily. I had been burgled 7 times before I ran afoul of the "youthful ones". Fucking Mexies. Pissed one batch off; after they tore the lock plate off my vehicle, were used to siphoning my tank empty every night. I quit fighting that. They'd already stolen the radio and speakers; not worth much, took the antenna as well. Mexicans are thieves. I just bought $1 of gas at the Circle K each morning. Pissed the "youthful ones" off so they did what one normally expects. Vandalism. The fucking slime finally got up to hot wiring the Land Cruiser on the first day of my first vacation in so many years it doesn't count. Me love Mexicans. I got the thing back, stirpped, delivered by dump truck a week later.

The fucking Mexican is a genetic coward. There are exceptions kinda like there are Einsteins and Hawkings. In the case of Mexis, it is so rare that I can't find a single note of one that has more merit than Jessi Jackson. Mesicans come in groups of no less than three, most often twelve, beyond that, hie thy ass elsewhere. Hyenas. Cowards and thieves.

For five years Nina mostly stood by me. Lots of rough times. If I were her, I'd just shot me and got it over. Ran out the insurance, best "guess" by a damn good doc was to have my shoulder replaced. $88,000 1987 dollars. Unfortunately the insurance was gone, Judge nigger Kennedy (Mobile, Alabama) had done what he always did if a white boy was the defendent ($187,000 plus 4X previous income). Neat. He is the only person I personally know that I am glad he has died. I hope he went to Hell. I still can not go to Alabama. I could not complete one of hizzonnerz requirements, couldn't then, can't now, a broken tailight would cost me the rest of my life in jail, and the IRS bagged EVERYTHING. Got back some of it in 1999 and my friends, when I mentioned "well I'm owed $xxxxxx, ought to file again" went resounding NOOOO! If I did that for a measly few K, the 13 year old file which had just been closed, would be opened in perpetuity. Gahan Wilson had a cartoon 30 or so years ago showing a really battered soldier on a totally ruined landscape with the caption "I think we won". Find me that cartoon.

I still don't know why she stuck by me for so long. Yeah I do. Kinda. 'Despite your lack of all worthwhile qualities, total lack of sense, ability to turn a fortune into a fleet of lawyermobiles, and just being a jackass, I just plain, old-fashioned love you.'

She did.

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